Sumburgh Head Lighthouse & Vistor Centre

Leach's robust and weather resistant Vault product provided the perfect solution


Leach researched, created content, designed and manufactured a trail of panels for the outdoor environment from the remote car park to encourage visitors to take the short, but steep, walk to Sumburgh Head Lighthouse. More than 20 people were part of a multi-disciplinary project team.

Our team worked with many experts – a geologist, archaeologist, museum curator, war professional and biological records manager – to agree on the location and themes for the panels, then create text and research image content. We also worked with the Northern Lighthouse Board and RSPB representatives.

The Project

As part of the project, we undertook photography to bridge the gaps in the image content, from microscopic sea creatures and puffins to shots of the completed site to include in the panels. At the start of the project we created a graphic style guide which included fonts, colours, illustration and image style, iconography etc. which was approved and then adhered to throughout the design development. Both colour and icons were used to differentiate the panels across subject themes, whilst fonts, style, layout and treatment of logos was consistent so the visitor recognised the trail and found it easy to follow.

The lighthouse site was exposed to the full force of Atlantic storms, so it was essential that we created structures to cope with all weathers. We achieved this by using one of Leach’s products, Vault – a vandal-resistant, weather-resistant solution which offers supreme-quality graphic displays with a 10-year guarantee.
